Active management and predictable in real time is the core of the Civilia offering. This module allows the centralisation and interpretation of key data points relevant to the decision-making process for your transport authority. This module provides key dashboards with real time information and leverages AI to generate quality predictive data. The goal is to improve the quality of services to citizens and drive operational efficiency.

What it does

  • Centralises massive data from internal and external sources
  • Algorythms for real time predictions
  • Complete Dashboads and alerts
  • Measurable predictions
  • On top of your exixting systems


  • Simplified decision making
  • Proactive management with predictions
  • Better control on your operations
  • Citizen impact in real time
  • Supports short and long term decisions
  • No system change required


Let the Civilia experts work with your team to configure the AI solution to help your network managers in their network monitoring and decision making.